Gastrointestinal perforation

Gastrointestinal perforation
Classification and external resources

Free air under the right hemidiaphragm from a bowel perforated.
ICD-10 K63.1, S36.9
ICD-9 569.83, 863.9
DiseasesDB 34042
MedlinePlus 000235
eMedicine med/2822

Gastrointestinal perforation is a complete penetration of the wall of the stomach, small intestine or large bowel, resulting in intestinal contents flowing into the abdominal cavity. Perforation of the intestines results in the potential for bacterial contamination of the abdominal cavity (a condition known as peritonitis). Perforation of the stomach can lead to a chemical peritonitis due to leaked gastric acid. Perforation anywhere along the gastrointestinal tract is a surgical emergency.


Signs and symptoms

Sudden attack of pain in epigastrium to the right of midline in case of perforation of duodenal ulcer. In case of gastric ulcer the pain is in epigastrium. There is history of burning pain in epigastrium, flatulence and dyspepsia. History of drug intake without sufficient food intake may be present. In case of intestinal perforation pain starts from the site of perforation, visceral, and then spreads all over the abdomen. In any case there is board like rigidity of abdomen, tenderness, and rebound tenderness. After sometimes the abdomen becomes silent, heart sounds can be heard all over. Patient stops passing flatus and motion, abdomen is distended.

Gastrointestinal perforation results in severe abdominal pain intensified by movement, nausea and vomiting. Later symptoms include fever and or chills.


Underlying causes include gastric ulcer, appendicitis, gastrointestinal cancer, diverticulitis, superior mesenteric artery syndrome, trauma and ascariasis. Typhoid fever, NSAID drugs,ingestion of corrosives may also be responsible.


On X-rays, free gas may be visible in the abdominal cavity. The perforation can often be visualised using CT. White blood cells are often elevated. Also, the symptom of wooden belly is visible, i.e. abdominal wall rigidity.


Treatment depends on the underlying cause. Surgical intervention is nearly always required in form of exploratory laparotomy and closure of perforation with peritoneal wash (Sometimes medical evacuation). Conservative treatment is indicated in case patient is nontoxic and clinically stable, these patients are to be treated with IV fluids, antibiotics, nasogastric aspiration and bowel rest. Consultation with a specialist is often needed.
